Children ages 5-10 are like human tornadoes. They are full of energy, will destroy anything in there path with no remorse, and will eat up whatever lies in front of them. But trying to get these children to eat healthy can be similar to pulling teeth. In a world plagued with sugary options being peddled constantly on TV and the Internet parents need a bit of bait and switch when it comes to the packaging of consumables for children. Milk is a notoriously under designed package in the isles of your local supermarket and creating an option that children want to pester there parents into getting is the perfect way to change the habits of a kid while still satisfying a parents need to provide there child with a tasty and healthy milk.

The brand strategy for this product is to design a package that a child who wanders off in the grocery store would be found holding and refuse to let go. By targeting things that excite kids this brand does just that. The packaging for this brand features a multitude of things most kids love ranging from fun colors and patterns to an easily recognizable mascot. The Packaging also features games and activities to keep a child occupied during and after there consumption of milk. On the flip side of that parents are the ones buying the product so they need to be able tho tell at a glance if this milk is right for there kids and this packaging allows them to notice these must haves with just a passing glance.